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Ophthalmologists sarnia

Ophthalmologist is an eye doctor that has an M.D. or D.O. degree from an accredited med school. They specialize in medical treatment or the surgery of the eyes.

OHIP will continue to cover all medically necessary services provided by ophthalmologists. OHIP will pay for patients with diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, cataract, retinal disease, amblyopia, visual field defects, corneal disease, strabismus or any other medical condition affecting the eye to see an ophthalmologist.
We found 2 healthcare providers matching your criteria
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Tel. 519.336.9988
Fax 519.336.8069
Within 3.5 km
Spoken Languages:
Arabic, English
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Dr. Murari Lal Patodia
Tel. 519.336.4448
Fax 519.336.6981
Within 2.4 km
Spoken Languages:
English, Hindi
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