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Dr. Philip Khong Lip Lee

Naturopathic Medicine is one of its kinds in the world due to its unique perspective. When the Eastern medicine meets the West’s, there is limitless wealth of knowledge available. Naturopathic diagnosis and treatments is based on medical research and clinical studies. This medical paradigm emphasizes on treating the root cause of health conditions and as well as optimizing one’s health naturally. Side effects of the treatments are close to none. One has to experience before believing in it.
About Me
Dr Philip Lee BSc, ND, is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and certified Intravenous Therapist in Ontario. He has completed his pre-med studies at Simon Fraser University (SFU) Vancouver, Canada with a Bachelor degree in Kinesiology (Human Kinetics). During his undergraduate studies he had received recognition from the Burnaby General Hospital of British Columbia for volunteering over more than 100 hours for special attention to Geriatrics at the Adult Care Facilities (Cascade Residence). At Simon Fraser University, he spent a year volunteering at the physiotherapist clinic supporting the Intramural athletes in injury recovery. He did his undergraduate program internship as Wellness Director at Fitness World for 8 months, assisting customers in weight training and diet recommendations for weight loss and fitness improvement. After finishing his undergraduate studies , he continued his four years post-graduate studies at Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) in Toronto, Canada and completed his clinical internship at Robert Shad Naturopathic Clinic. He uses Live Blood Analysis assessment in his patient assessment occasionally..
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