What is VisitDoctor.ca?
A comprehensive directory of healthcare providers in Canada, including family doctors, dentists, chiropractors and other healthcare professions.
Can VisitDoctor.ca find me a specialist?
No, VisitDoctor.ca does not offer referrals. Connecting you to a primary care physician will allow them to correctly refer you to a specialist based on your medical needs.
I do not have a Health Card. Can I still use this service?
VisitDoctor.ca services are available to all potential patients. Although most primary care organizations prefer that a patient possess a valid Health Card, we can still connect
you to primary care providers if you need medical attention.
Can I use VisitDoctor.ca to book appointments with any doctor in Canada?
Not yet, but that's what we're working toward! You can currently book appointments with doctors located in Canada who have partnered with us to make your healthcare
experience better - and more healthcare professionals join us every day. Are you a doctor who would like to join VisitDoctor.ca?
Click here.
What will this cost?
It's 100% free, without any hidden cost. Our goal is to have the most up-to-date information for prospective patients.
How do I submit an opinion about a doctor?
If you would like to add an opinion about a doctor, click the tab labeled "Reviews", which can be found in every doctor's profile. Scroll to the bottom of the page and fill out the form.
Then click the "Publish your review" button. Your review will not be displayed in the portal immediately. It will be first sent to our moderation section and displayed in the
doctor's profile only after its content is accepted by the moderator.
Why was a previously accepted review about a doctor deleted?
Next to every opinion, there is a "Report abuse" link. It may be used by a reviewee (e.g. a doctor) who believes that a given opinion is incorrect.
Such a report is sent to the moderator who then contacts the reviewer and requests a detailed description of the situation in question.
The reviewer has 7 days to send us their explanation. If sent, the explanation is forwarded to the reviewee.
However, if the reviewer does not take a position towards the reported abuse, then the opinion is deleted from the portal since there is no possibility of verifying its validity.
Through these measures, we ensure the reliability and accuracy of published statements.
I have added a rating/review to a doctor's profile. However I do not see it on the profile.
Any change (new opinion, new doctor's profile, data update in a doctor's profile), is first forwarded to our moderation unit for review before it is published to the website.
The moderator has
24 hours for acceptance or rejection of the introduced changes. Please note that when many changes are introduced, this time may be
longer and we appreciate your patience. You will be informed by e-mail as soon as the change you have introduced is examined by the moderator.
Can I edit/delete a comment or review I have left about a doctor?
If, for whatever reason, you wish to delete or edit a posted comment, please contact us at
In the email, please write that you would like to delete or edit the review and provide a brief explanation as to the reason for the change. After the review of your email by the moderator,
you will receive an e-mail confirmation about the changes to or deletion of the review.
I'm not accepting new patients. How do I let people know?
If you are not accepting new patients please sign in to your profile and go to the "Booking System". In the "Booking System" under the settings tab you will find an option
for accepting new patients which must be unchecked.