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Dr. Vladislav Miropolsky

Family Physician
Dear Dr. Vladislav Miropolsky My name is Karine, I came from Regina, Saskatchewan on July 1. I really would like to meet with you and talk about the family doctor. I would be very grateful if you made an appointment with me.
About Me
My name is Karine.I moved to Canada last summer from Yerevan, Armenia.I have married and I have 2 children.I came from Regina,SK ,but now I leave in Cambridge, ON.In my country I was a representative LOT Polish Airlines, but now I don't work. I was very happy when I read about you that you know both English and Russian. I would be very happy if you agreed to make an appointment with me.
Education and work experience
Not available
Spoken Languages
  • English
  • Russian
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Cambridge Memorial Hospital, Department of Diagnostic Imaging
700 Coronoation Boulevard
Cambridge, Ontario
N1R 3G2
Tel. 519.621.2330
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