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Dentists Brampton

Dentists use a variety of specialized equipment to diagnose and treat problems with the teeth, gums, and other parts of the mouth. They also provide advice to patients on how they can improve or maintain their oral care.

Dentists services are not covered by Ontario Health, and as such, require payment from the patient for their services. If you are receiving employee health insurance benefits, they normally will provide coverage for most dental procedures.
We found 183 healthcare providers matching your criteria
Showing 1 - 10 of 183
Dr. Azeem Sheikh
About Dr.Sheikh Dr. Sheikh has practiced general dentistry in the GTA for over 6 years. He earned his Baccalaureate with Honours in Biological Sciences at the University of Toronto in 1999. He went on to complete his Doctorate in Dental Surgery from the University of Western Ontario in 2003. Since then, Dr. Sheikh has continually strived to offer his patients the most efficient and comprehensive dental care, a “ONE STOP SHOP” if you will. His continuing education has focused on 2 main...
Tel. 905.791.8768
Within 8.8 km
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English, French Canadian, Italian
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Tel. 905.790.2345
Within 3.5 km
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Dr. Natalia Archer
Dr. Natalie Archer is a dynamic Toronto Dentist who began her dental career in 2001. She brings a diverse background of experience, energy and training to dentistry at both her Rosedale Family Dental Care practice and her newest dental clinic, the Runnymede Dental Centre. Natalie is passionate about giving back and delivering results to her community, profession and abroad. First and foremost, she simply loves being a dentist and it shows!
Runnymede Healthcare Centre
625 Runnymede Rd
Toronto, Ontario
M6S 3A3
Tel. 416.763.2000
Within 15.2 km
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Tel. 905.451.8388
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Tel. 905.866.6657
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Tel. 905.866.6657
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Tel. 905.451.0111
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