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Chiropractors Kitchener

A chiropractor helps patients manage back and neck pain by providing treatments to the musculoskeletal system. Traditional chiropractors focus their efforts spinal manipulation, but modern chiropractors may also offer additional treatments including massage therapy, acupuncture, and ultrasound.

Chiropractor services are not covered by OHIP, however most extended health care plans do offer coverage.
We found 106 healthcare providers matching your criteria
Showing 1 - 10 of 106
Dr. Shannon L. Viana
Dr. Shannon Viana has been working with Waterloo Region families since 2010. She works actively with patients of all ages to reduce pain and get them back to their lives quickly. Patients of Dr. Viana can expect dedicated appointment times, no double booking and each visit will include at least 15 minutes of one on one care with the doctor.
Tel. 519.745.1331
Within 7.8 km
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Dr. Kenneth S. Stelsoe
Dr. Stelsoe is a passionate, sports experienced provider of healthcare without the use of medical drugs. My primary focus is on preventive care, treatment of dysfunctions and pain, and rehabilitation after injuries for athletes as well as the general public. I base my diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation on scientific based hands-on methods.
Goodlife Health Centre - Weber Street Club
270 Weber St. N.
Waterloo, Ontario
N2J 3H6
Tel. 519.886.7546
Fax 519.886.1495
Within 14.8 km
Tel. 519.503.4979
Within 10.4 km
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English, Danish
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Dr. Paul H. Blaser
After graduating “Cum Laude” from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto in 1986, I started my practice in Cambridge on Adam Street. After two moves, we are now located on Eagle Street North in the Cambridge Surplus Building facing Riverside Park. I have a special interest in pregnancy, babies and children. I have used the Webster Breech­ Turning Technique for well over 20 years. I am also very interested in athletes and their functional capacity. At Blaser Chiropractic we...
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Dr. Kevin A. Fuss
Tel. 519.571.7111
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Tel. 519.744.7234
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Tel. 519.571.7111
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Tel. 519.576.7744
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Tel. 519.893.7100
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