The moment you hear someone say
sexual yoga I am sure your mind conjures up some vivid images and wild postures. My imagination took a free rein too. While the benefits of yoga are unquestionable many yoga practitioners in Toronto have started a new trend for couples called sexual yoga. While some call it
Tantric Yoga (huge misconception as tantric yoga is associated with awakening your kundalini) it is a trend that is getting very popular among couples of all age groups.
So, what is the hype all about? And where you can go in Toronto for practice?
The practice of yoga is an ancient discipline finding its roots in India and is the practice of combining breathing techniques, meditation, and physically challenging poses to enhance your physical and mental wellbeing. In the past ten years its gained enormous momentum and popularity in the Western world and now yoga centres are found in almost every city across
Sexual Yoga focuses on embracing your body, loving your shape and trusting yourself to share your mind and body with your partner. It teaches you to be comfortable with your body and its needs. Any kind of contact or pose in this form of yoga evokes expresses and exchanges energy and builds intimacy. While we all thrive on being self-sufficient and independent, this yoga technique promotes interdependency, helps you attune to your partner’s needs and builds trust, intimacy and communication. Your communication with your partner is not only about what you are doing but also about what you are feeling and in this case it is non-verbal and firmly believes in the principle
‘Actions speak louder than words’. And what better foreplay is there than getting twisty and touchy-feely with your
‘special someone’?
According to a study with 40 women conducted in the
Journal of Sexual Medicine (Nov. 2009), it was found that regular yoga sessions resulted in increased libido, sexual arousal and functioning in the women and a similar study published in the journal with 65 men in the
Journal of Sexual Medicine (Jul, 2010), found that after completion of yoga sessions, sexual function was greatly improved including increased performance, libido, erection and overall sexual health.
Sexual Yoga Poses
- Seated Twist.
In this pose you and your partner sit back to back, legs crossed. Together both twist your head and torso to the right and reach over to each other’s thigh. Breathe deeply and hold the pose. Relax and repeat. Not only does this pose strengthen your core and aid digestion it brings you and your partner very close.
- Seated Forward Bend with Backbend.
This requires a team effort by your and your partner to accomplish as it tests both strength and balance, but the results are quite rewarding as it provides a fully body stretch that will leave you feeling blissful! Sit back to back, and have your partner stretch their legs out in front of them and sit with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. As your partner folds forward you start leaning backward until you both start feeling the stretch. If you are able stretch your arms out and try to grasp your partner’s feet. This will get both of your hearts pumping and it’s a great trust building exercise.
- Partner Boat Pose.
This pose really tests the core muscles (lower back and abdominals) and is a fun pose for strengthening and stretching and also builds intimacy as you maintain eye contact with your partner throughout the exercise. Facing each other, reach for your partner’s hands outside of your legs. With bent knees, place the soles of your feet against your partner’s. Try straightening your legs while moving them upward, keeping the soles of your feet connected. You can modify this pose depending on your flexibility and comfort level. Focus on the touch and eye contact.

There are a few yoga instructors in
Toronto who take things to a deeper level and believe in setting an atmosphere that fosters intimacy, so don’t shriek with fear if you are blindfolded. The orchestrated poses when observed look like a choreographed dance with one movement flowing into another. Touch is an essential part of this practice. Touch produces endorphins in our body which act as an antidote to pain and are also known to produce euphoria. When your skin is stroked it produces a peptide called oxytocin that acts a stimulant and helps you to bond, build contact and relationships and creates the urge to touch. Touch enhances awareness, understanding and helps people connect physically, emotionally and spiritually.
centres in Toronto that offer workshops for groups or individual sessions are (offers group sessions as well as private ones) , - check out their class schedule. is known to cater to residents and visiting tourists too. If you are the adventurous kind, head to that has Tantra Tuesdays. Most of the workshops require you to carry your yoga mat, a towel, bottle of water and be attired in comfortable clothing. There are other studios like Yogatree and Breatheyoga that offer seasonal classes in sexual yoga.
Regular practice with a partner has been known to increase intimacy in relationships and bring people closer. Sexual yoga teaches you to not shrink away at the thought of contact and learn to express your natural impulses and respond without inhibitions. When it comes to your partner-express freely as to what makes you uncomfortable and share what fears you harbour. This helps to deepen the trust and allows passion to flow freely. It can be an innovative kind of foreplay and a great aphrodisiac for couples to multitask - workout, relax, meditate and build intimacy all at the same time.