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Montessori Schools in Hamilton

Jasmine Fong
Your future depends on the education that you receive. That’s something that’s widely known today. So what if you make a mistake in your education? How detrimental is it to your future really? No one wants to make that mistake, but with all these new options for schooling a lot of parents don’t know which choice is the right choice. A choice between the traditional method of school (the type that your parents probably had) versus the newer, more modern type of education the Montessori schools. It may be newer is it really any better?

The Montessori model of teaching started out in Italy, by physician and educator Dr. Maria Montessori and has spread across the world even into Hamilton itself!

montessori school The Montessori model of learning really differs from the traditional model. Mainly this is the amount of freedom and independence that the child receives. As a system that believes in individualized and self-paced learning, each student receives a unique learning experience. Teachers give students their own lessons, children pick out what they want to learn, how to apply it, and teachers don’t teach they guide. In this sense, students are the ones driving their education not teachers. In a room filled of students from varying age groups with no grading system a Montessori class sounds hectic, but there’s always a method to the madness.

What may seem as madness to some are what others see to be a treasure. The freedom that these students receive aren’t uncontrolled, there are limits. This controlled freedom is a main the benefit of Montessori schools. Beginning as early as in preschool and going as far as high school, Montessori schools begin providing developmental opportunities at a young age. Allowing these students to figure out how they learn as individuals. They’re driving their own education, at their own pace. Without the grading system Montessori allows students to build up their own desire to learn, teachers will still come by to make sure that projects and assignments meet expectations, but now the student has the inner drive to succeed in their studies.

With its soaring popularity this can’t be the only benefit, can it? This advantage also does more than better learning and application, it even goes as far as their character. This form of learning drills characteristics into the child that they’ll be taking with them throughout their lives. The ability to manage workloads, balance schedules are only some of the things that this style of teaching will develop in the student. Beyond the traditional curriculum Montessori students are also taught manners in school, how to properly say hello and greet someone. They’re not just being mentally stimulated, but Montessori classes create an environment where character development comes naturally.

After hearing about the school you may want to enroll your child in one and that’s the thing with Montessori schools, they’re expanding. As private schools Hamilton and surrounding areas are holding a couple locations such as:

The Dundas Valley Montessori School (DVMS) is located on 14 Kemp Drive. Housing students from Hamilton, Ancaster, Waterdown, and Flamborough communities, with different age groups (A toddler community, adolescent school, lower elementary and upper elementary). It’s a pretty busy school. DVMS is a school that holds one mode of teaching, strictly to the Montessori model.

kids Found on 265 Wilson Street East (Hamilton), The Ancaster Montessori School originally opened in 1984. Although family-owned and operated this school has its credentials through the Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education, The Association Montessori Internationale and the American Montessori society. Admitting children aged as early as 15 months to 6 years, it offers bilingual programs with drawing instruction or music lessons at additional costs. This school offers options for those that want French and English instruction with the Montessori model.

The Childventures Early Learning Academy (a preschool in Hamilton - yeah that’s right a preschool) because preschool can form the foundation of your child’s education, there is an emphasis for a good learning experience at Childventures. With locations in Ancaster, Burlington, Richmond Hill and Vaughan these guys have to be doing something right! Unlike the other two schools, Childventures only has programs for toddlers, infants, preschool, junior kindergarten and senior kindergarten. Instead of only using on model of teaching, Childventures uses and combines three different methods, Montessori, High Scope and Core Knowledge for a better rounded experience.

The Montessori style of teaching is one that’s catching fire and with what’s happening in the world today, who knows it just might be what we need, it just might be the right choice.
Jasmine Fong March 16, 2016
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