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Benefits of Getting the Flu Shot, and Where to Get Vaccinated in Calgary

Haadi Hafeez
The flu is a common respiratory illness caused by the Influenza virus. Yes, this is the same family of viruses attributed to the bird and swine flu of years past. It’s not only very virulent but can be deadly in the right circumstances, often being the final blow to individuals with already shaky immune systems.

flu-shot In fact from 1918 to 1920 the Spanish flu infected nearly 500 million people across the globe and killed nearly 100 million people in the process, nearly 3-5% of the world’s population at the time, making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history. While granted this was about 100 years ago, influenza still causes yearly outbreaks, resulting in about 3-5 million severe cases Influenza globally, targeting mostly the young, the old and those with preexisting health problems. In Canada alone influenza causes about 12,200 people to be admitted to the hospital and about 3,500 deaths per year.

In order to give us the best defence possible against the influenza virus, a vaccine was developed to help develop antibodies to better fight the infection. Having to be developed twice a year due to the virus rapidly changing every season, it provides a modest to high protection. It has proven to decrease the number of work days missed, as well as reduce the overall spread to other likely hosts.

It can, however, cause children to develop a fever in 5-10% of cases, and should not be given to persons with severe egg allergies, as the most common type of flu vaccine made is manufactured using eggs, although it is considered relatively safe in persons with a mild egg allergy with only increased monitoring needed. The vaccine is recommended for everyone between the ages of 6 months and older, including pregnant women, and people living with chronic illnesses or weaken immune systems.

get flu shot Alberta Health Services has taken great strides in preventing the spread of the flu virus among Canadians and starts a campaign every year to promote the spread of knowledge about the illness and provide free vaccines to all its citizens. Advocating proper hygiene, by washing hands and covering your cough, as well as staying home if you feel sick, they truly have your well-being in mind. In order to better serve all Canadians, local clinics and even at local shopping malls are ready to keep you healthy this season with no appointment required. Here is some of the location you can visit in Calgary.

Brentwood Village Mall (Beside Safeway)

3630 Brentwood Road NW, Calgary, AB
Schedule: Oct 31st-Dec 27th: Mon-Fri 11AM - 6:45PM / Sat 9:30AM - 5:15PM
Closed on Wednesdays and holidays of 2016

Northgate Shopping Centre (Located on the main level, beneath weight watchers sign)

A154, 495 36 Street NE, Calgary, AB
Schedule: Oct 31st-Dec 27th: Mon-Fri 11AM - 6:45PM / Sat 9:30AM - 5:15PM
Closed on Wednesdays and holidays of 2016

Richmond Road Diagnostic Treatment Centre (Old Children's Hospital -main floor room # 1076)

302 1820 Richmond Road SW, Calgary, AB
Schedule: Oct 31st-Nov 26th: Mon-Fri 11AM - 6:45PM / Sat 9:30AM - 5:15PM
Closed on Wednesdays and holidays of 2016

South Calgary Health Centre (Third Floor)

31 Sunpark Plaza SE, Calgary, AB
Schedule: Oct 31st-Dec 27th: Mon-Fri 11AM - 6:45PM / Sat 9:30AM - 5:15PM
Closed on Wednesdays and holidays of 2016
Haadi Hafeez November 09, 2016

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