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The Answers on Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Edmonton

Justine Klettke
We all have jobs to do in life, but sometimes our muscles are screaming “no!”, and we can’t ignore them. This happens in occupations such as hairstyling, writing, assembly work, and cleaning. There are a lot of repetitive wrist motions that go into these jobs, and eventually it will take a toll on the muscles. Also, though the condition of carpal tunnel syndrome can appear in anyone.

carpal tunnel syndrome Basically, what happens in the wrist is that the median nerve inside the carpal tunnel of the wrist gets squeezed. If the carpal tunnel gets reduced or enlarged in size due to swelling of the surrounding and internal tissue, then carpal tunnel can occur. This then leads to the symptoms of numbness and weakened grip. Sometimes people can have trouble with something as simple as picking up a glass of water. This is carpal tunnel syndrome.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can be a scary diagnosis. We know that people get surgery for it all the time, but no one really wants it to come to that.

Sometimes, if the job is what is causing the strain, the wrist needs a break. The Carpal Tunnel Solution has developed treatment for Canadians that cannot wait for surgery to get better. At their website, they describe their Carpal Solution that is worn overnight to help heal the joints. They can be reached at (1) 800-798-5210.

There are always new advances such as the Carpal Solution coming from the United States, and this device might work well for some people with mild cases. Also though, remember to use this device in conjunction with a family physician’s advice for lifestyle modifications that can help the wrist heal.

Another option for treatment that Edmontonians might want to try is a more hands on approach. In Step Physical Therapy is located in downtown Edmonton at 10534-124 Street. They can be e-mailed at info@instepphysio.ca or called at (780) 454-5432 during business hours. Their webpage for carpal tunnel syndrome explains the exact mechanisms that cause carpal tunnel. They will recommend rest measures, and the patient can expect results in four to six weeks.

Another doctor’s clinic in Edmonton that treats carpal tunnel syndrome is Lisa J Korus MD MPH FRCSC at her Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery office. The clinic can be reached by phone at (780) 469-2927 in order to book a patient consultation. Dr. Lisa Korus seconds the fact that nighttime splinting might be all that is needed for treatment in the early stages. She says on her website that later on, steroid treatment might be a viable option. As a last resort, surgery might be necessary.

mouse keyboard right way Two other websites that give more information regarding surgery are the American Association for Hand Surgery and the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. These links include detailed anatomy, blogs, and a list of surgeons.

I hope that this article helped you. I know I certainly learned a lot from writing it. As a writer, I tend to ignore my hand pain, but after everything I discovered through my research, I won’t anymore. I tried to give you the list of treatment options in chronological progression of the condition. Early diagnosis will always lead to the best prognosis.
Justine Klettke January 30, 2017

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